2021 Year-End Report
The District ended Calendar Year 2021 with 3378 calls for service, which was an increase of 4.6% from the previous year. That makes Calendar Year 2021 the second busiest year ever, falling 480 incidents behind 2019.

To view the complete PowerPoint Presentation, please select the link below:
2021 Year End PowerPoint.pdfHere are a few highlights:
- Fire Incidents up 24%
- Medical/Rescue Incidents up 4%
- Hazardous Conditions up 26%.
- Service Calls down 20%
- Good Intent Calls up 16%.
- False Alarm Calls up 6%.
There are a few variations in Incident Types from previous years that are worth noting.
Special outside fires had a 185% increase from the previous year. (41 to 117) This is where the District tracks any contained fire used for cooking or warming fire at an encampment, or any contained fire burning at an encampment burning garbage or other materials, or any uncontained fire that spread beyond the campfire and burned shelters, belongings, or garbage.
Move & Covers were down by 99%. (115 to 1). This is due to three things:
- The District dropped to a tier-2 dispatch service. The ECC (emergency command center) does not provide for asset tracking or automatic station coverage for District engines.
- With the limited number of full-time staff, the District could only commit to two staffed stations for 2/3rds of 2021.
- The District has canceled the move and cover agreement with HBF.
No emergency found/wrong location increased by 43%. (189 to 270). This is mostly due to engines being dispatched to smoke checks in known transient camps and arriving in the area and not finding smoke.