Ranch Home Burns in Late Night Blaze - March 28, 2023

Arcata, CA – March 28, 2023, at just after 10 pm, the Arcata Fire Protection District responded to a structure fire in the area of Highways 101 and 299. Responding units located the fire in the 4400 block of West End Court in Arcata. Upon their arrival, AFD found a 2-story farmhouse, approximately 50% engulfed in flames. Arcata Police units on scene also reported that an occupant was possibly still inside.
The first arriving engine companies were directed to focus on search and rescue for the possible entrapped party. When the search was completed, the Incident Commander was able to confirm that there was no occupant and the residents arrived at scene. There were no injuries reported.
Due to the age, construction of the structure, gusting winds, fire control was made difficult. The building sustained roof and second floor collapse, therefore, the decision was made to fight the fire defensively from the exterior of the structure for safety of the firefighters. It took approximately 1 ½ hours to gain control and extinguish the fire.

Arcata/Mad River Ambulance, PG&E and APD remained at the scene with 8 engines, 5 Chief Officers and the Arcata Fire Volunteer Logistics Unit. AFD would like to thank our mutual aid partners from Blue Lake Fire, Fieldbrook Fire, Humboldt Bay Fire, Samoa Fire, and Westhaven Fire for their assistance at the scene. Kneeland Fire assisted by covering the Arcata Fire’s jurisdiction.
The cause of the fire is still under investigation and the structure is a total loss.
Arcata Fire District would like to remind everyone to check and maintain the smoke alarms and immediately call 911 if you see a fire.