Supplemental Oxygen Safety

What is Supplemental Oxygen ?
Home oxygen systems deliver supplemental oxygen to people with lung diseases, sleep apnea, severe asthma, or other breathing difficulties compromising their oxygen levels. Low levels of oxygen in your blood can affect the health of your tissues and organs. In the short term, low blood oxygen levels can cause headaches, shortness of breath, or fatigue. In the long term, chronically low blood oxygen, or hypoxemia, can damage the heart, lungs, or other organs.
While home oxygen therapy is typically safe and non-flammable, it does pose some safety hazards, as materials may burn more easily in areas with increased oxygen.
keeping your home safe for oxygen users:
-Use short, high visibilty tubing and organize tubing to avoid tripping hazards
-Always steer clear of an open flame or heat source
-Avoid having it near any electrical or heat sources (fireplace, wall or space heater)
-Never smoke (including cigarettes, vape pens or otherwise)
-Display 'No Smoking" or "Oxygen in use" signs around the home
-Keep smoke detercors working and active, and keep fire extinguihers nearby
-Don't plug your oxygen concentrator into an extension cord, and don't plug anything else into the same outlet
-Keep oxygen cylinders upright at all times
-Don't set your mask or cannula on a chair or bed if the oxygen is turned on
Key Takeaways:
-More than 1.5 million Americans use supplemental oxygen.
-Home oxygen users should take precautions to minimize fire risks and tripping hazards and tgo be sure they are receiving the right oxygen dose.
-Home oxygen emergency plans should include backup power sources in case a power outage occurs.