Stovepipe Fire Results in Total Loss to Residence - December 20, 2022
Arcata, CA - On 12/20/2022 at 5:04 P.M. Arcata Fire District units were dispatched to a report of a residential structure fire on the 100 Block of Timmons Lane, in the Essex area of Arcata. The residents had returned to their home and found it full of smoke with fire spreading in the living room area. One of the occupants entered the home in an attempt to rescue family pets, suffering minor smoke inhalation while doing so. The occupant denied needing any medical treatment at scene.

The first arriving Arcata Fire unit found the double-wide manufactured home with smoke and fire coming from the roof area. The first unit immediately set up for fire attack. Additional units arrived and began ventilating the structure. All other occupants of the residence were out of the building at the time of the Fire District’s arrival.
Fire personnel attacked the fire and had it controlled within fifteen minutes. Units transitioned to overhaul and extinguished remaining hot spots. A pet boa constrictor was rescued from the residence, but unfortunately, two dogs succumbed to smoke inhalation prior to being rescued.
Arcata Fire personnel conducted an origin and cause investigation and determined that the fire was accidental and appeared to originate near a stovepipe through the ceiling and spread through the living room area.
The estimated damage to the home is $80,000.
Arcata Fire would like to thank Blue Lake Fire, Fieldbrook Fire, Samoa Fire, and Cal Fire for their assistance at the incident and covering the Arcata Fire District jurisdiction.
Particularly now that winter is here, Arcata Fire District would like to remind our residents to have their chimneys and stovepipes checked and cleaned annually.